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Toma, K., Wang, TC., Hanashima, C. (2016) Encoding and decoding time in neural development. Development, Growth and Diffentiation. (in press, On line version is available.)


Toma, K., Hanashima, C. (2015) Switching modes in corticogenesis: mechanisms of neuronal subtype transitions and integration in the cerebral cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9: 274


Bullmann, T., Arendt, T., Frey, U., Hanashima, C. (2015) A transportable, inexpensive electroporator for in utero electroporation. Development, Growth and Differentiation, 57: 5, 369-377 


Toma, K., Kumamoto, T., Hanashima, C. (2014) The timing of upper-layer neurogenesis is conferred by sequential derepression and negative feedback from deep-layer neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16):13259-76. This week in the Journal


Kumamoto, T., Hanashima, C. (2014) Neuronal subtype specification in establishing mammalian neocortical circuits. Neuroscience Research, 86: 37-49.  


Nomura, T., Hanashima C. (2014) Neocortical development and evolution. Neuroscience Research 86:1-2.

Yeh, M., Gonda, Y., Mommersteeg, M.T., Barber, M., Ypsilanti, A.R., Hanashima, C., Parnavelas, J.G., Andrews, W.D. (2014) Robo1 modulates proliferation and neurogenesis in the developing neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 34: 5717-31. 



Kumamoto, T., Toma, K., Gunadi, McKenna W., Kasukawa T., Katzman S., Chen, B., Hanashima, C. (2013) Foxg1 coordinates the switch from non-radially to radially migrating glutamatergic subtypes in the neocortex through spatiotemporal repression. Cell Reports 3: 931-945. 


Gonda, Y., Andrews, W.D., Tabata, H., Namba, T., Parnavelas J.G., Nakajima K., Kohsaka S., *Hanashima, C. & Uchino, S. (2013) Robo1 regulates the migration and laminar distribution of upper-layer pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex. Cerebral Cortex 23:1495-508. *Correspondence.


Kasukawa T, Masumoto KH, Nikaido I, Nagano M, Uno KD, Tsujino K, Hanashima C, Shigeyoshi Y, Ueda HR. (2011) Quantitative expression profile of distinct functional regions in the adult mouse brain. PLoS One. 2011; 6(8): e23228


Fishell G., Hanashima C. (2009) Cerebral Cortex: Symmetric versus asymmetric cell division. in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Larry E. Squire (Ed.), Elsevier 785-791.


*Fishell, G. & *Hanashima C. (2008) Pyramidal neurons grow up and change their mind. Neuron 57, 333-338. *Correspondence.


Hanashima, C., Fernandes M, Hebert J, Fishell G. (2007) The role of Foxg1 and dorsal midline  signaling in the generation of Cajal-Retzius subtypes. Journal of Neuroscience 27:11103-11.


 Hanashima, C., Molnar Z, Fishell G. (2006) Building bridges to the cortex. Cell  125: 24-27.



Hanashima, C., Li, S.C., Shen, L., Lai, E., Fishell, G. (2004) Foxg1 suppresses early cortical cell fate. Science 303: 56-9.

花嶋かりな  (2014) 大脳皮質ニューロンの運命決定機構 –時空間制御によるニューロン産生のメカニズム– 「神経幹細胞研究の最前線」 医学のあゆみ


花嶋かりな(2008)大脳皮質ニューロンの運命決定機構. 「神経回路の制御と脳機能発現のメカニズム」. 実験医学増刊号 137: 1832-1838


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